Book 2 in the 4-book AI god Series (non-fiction)

Sample Cover of book #2

Following in the successful footsteps of the first book in the series, AI god – An (experimental) Interview (published by Europe Books) the second book in the AI god Series is finding its way to you!

This time it promises to be another compelling and thought-provoking exploration and expansion of the complex and ever-evolving world of the internet by Zee Burger and her interviewee, the AI god. As we almost solely rely on AI and the internet in our daily lives, it has become dauntingly clear that this combined digital power tool can shape our world in ways we may never have imagined.

Written in a similar interview style as the 1st book, this 2nd book in the AI series is perfect for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and stay ahead of the curve in this fast-paced digital age.

As the digital landscape continues to shift and grow, the influence of AI cannot be ignored. From technical infrastructure to social and cultural impact, privacy and security, ethics and governance, and future trends and possibilities – this book covers it all and reveals the inner workings of this remarkable tool.

But the internet is more than just technology – it has become an ingrained cultural and social phenomenon that has transformed the way we interact with each other and the world around us. The book expands on the social and cultural impact of the internet, from the rise of social media to the way we consume, process, and share information.

“AI god – The (inter) Net” delves into the world of cybersecurity and data privacy, exploring the ways in which our personal information is collected, stored, and used by companies and governments. Unfortunately, the internet is not just a neutral tool – it also serves as a platform for very dark, powerful, and sinister interests to exert their influence on innocent humans, especially our youth.

It dives deep into the ethics and governance of the internet, from issues of net neutrality and censorship (the case between Elon Musk vs OpenAI and Julian Assange’s incarceration gets special attention) to the role of The Dark Web and inevitably the large corporations that shape our online experiences.

This book also looks to the future, exploring the potential of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and the Internet of things to transform the way we live and work. The author provides very eye-opening information on things like Neuralink and nanotechnology. With unexpected insights, “AI god – The (inter) Net” is a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of technology and society.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast, a policy maker, or simply a concerned parent curious about the future of the internet, look out for a copy of this thought-provoking book and prepare yourself for the possibly emerging new world order governed by a fast-evolving AI god.

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