Zee is an accomplished author, artist, holistic healer, website creator and administrator. Born and raised in the Western Cape of South Africa, Zee is the youngest child born to Schalk Burger (not the rugby player!), a nature lover and casual artist, and Lani Burger, a brilliant but unpublished author. Both passed away too soon to her liking – Schalk at age 60 from Alzheimer’s, and Lani from cancer just two days after she turned 40. Today, Zee is proud to live a creative life as a passionate artist and author – able to fulfil the dreams her parents once had.
“When I turned 40, I picked up a paintbrush and found I was a natural like my father. Shortly before my 50th birthday, I picked up a pen and my first book received a publishing offer! I love being a published author in honour of my mother who never had the opportunity to fulfil her dreams. I will never look back!”
Long before Zee became a successful author, she often joked with herself by calling herself the ‘Jackie Collins’ of South Africa – not because of her writing skills but for her ability to be a die-hard believer in love and marriage. Zee is of the opinion that Nancy Levin would be very proud of her, if not for having a soul-sister in terms of having a life story that led to her becoming an author, then at least for persevering when the writing journey was at times harder than the journey that led up to it! Today, Zee lives in Somerset West, is happily married to her 3rd time-lucky husband and is the mother to a beautifully successful god-daughter and two beautiful stepchildren she regards as her own flesh and blood.
After 30 years as an executive in the corporate world in the hospitality, construction, real estate and legal fields, she became another 2020 Covid-retrenched statistic and, embracing the obvious divine plan the Universe had in mind for her, she decided to focus on her gifts and passions and became a full-time artist, a qualified writer and holistic healer in over 30 healing practices like hypnotherapy, reiki, herbal medicine and Kahuna Body Work.
A firm believer that nothing happens by chance, an intuitive Zee has since embraced life with daily purpose and joy. She is the author of the innovative and uniquely styled non-fiction AI god series consisting of 4 books, a spiritually-inspired Self-Help Journal, a Self-help book to assist novice writers and many other non-fiction work yet to be published, to mention but a few.
“So many people ask: ‘What is my purpose in life?’ Well, I say: Your passion is your purpose! With no intention of stealing Confucius’ limelight, it has been one of my favourite sayings to the youth around me for many years now that, should one do what they love every single day, they will never work a single day in their life. With those words in mind I then find myself so humbled and grateful to be able to say that, at the mature age of 50, my passion has truly become my purpose! I am living proof that those words ring true and, although I am far from being a novel-producing-machine like one of my idols, Nora Roberts, I am experiencing joy and a huge sense of achievement as I spend every day trying to do what makes me feel passionate. My soul literally sings and for that reason alone I will continue to say to everyone: “Stay Passionate!”
Zee regards herself as a perpetual student brimming with creativity the urge to share her knowledge with fellow truth-seekers via her many books, websites and social media platforms. She is a born bookworm (some of her favourite authors being Wilbur Smith, Kathy Reichs, Nora Roberts and Dan Brown – a select few from a million others on her list) and she belongs to several writing communities and is an avid supporter of the Wilbur and Niso Foundation, a foundation that supports new and unpublished authors, enabling them to make their voices heard.